Rose, Blush, & Gold

We coordinated Madison & Mitchel's wedding at The Ledges country club, and it was a dream day. Our team was amazed, not only with the venue's storybook aesthetic, but the wonderful professionalism of the staff within. Though we bring a decorating team with us as well as a coordination assistant to every wedding, we were so happy to find that the Ledges' staff was eager to assist with any set up tasks.

I loved so many things about this couple's wedding. The color scheme, the elegance, and the timelessness of the decor all warmed my heart and gave our team blissful springtime vibes whilst setting up. Our bride, Madison, was a very involved client. She sketched her layout exactly the way she wanted everything to be and had it ready for us by our very first meeting. She sent photos of how essential decor was to be set up/placed to the measurement, and had helpful notes on preferences for several of her guests. Any planner reading this will know, that she had all the hallmarks of a dream client. We loved her effective way of communicating her wants, and her wonderful nature as we put together her special day. Because Madison was so wonderful to work with, our team was very confident and happy as we worked to set up this gorgeous wedding.

They layout, I have to rave on especially. It was so strategic and well thought out. Our clients hired a wonderful service with Shindigs & Such, who provided draping as well as elegant soft seating to create comfort and beauty in several spaces. Additionally, each table at the reception tent had its own sense of grandeur, while maintaining important elements to keep in mind for guest comfort. No matter where you were sitting at this couple's wedding, you felt like you were in on the action, but also at a special table with an ornate floral design meant just for you. To that end, we have to talk about how wonderful these flowers were!

Petals by Ali created a dream. It's honestly hard for me to say which florals were my let me go ahead and comment on them all. The peonied bouquets were so perfectly fluffy, the low laying table florals were lucious with greenery, the stilted arrangments were jaw droppingly gorgeous, and even the small accent arrangements for the cocktail tables had their own special loveliness. But if I'm being honest, there's one special piece that took my breath away. The flagstone stairs that led from the cocktail hour down to our couple's reception tent, was so ornately decorated with beautiful cascades of flowers, that when I close my eyes at night, I see it in my dreams.

This wedding was more than just beautiful, it was well thought out, it had wonderful service, quality of food, exceptional timing from all parties that participated, and a rocking good DJ! It was the kind of wedding that made you long to be a guest as you celebrated in your heart with this sweet couple.

Madison & Mitchel, thank you so much for hiring us to carry out your special day plans for you. Your day gave us so much joy and reminded us of how much we love this special work that we are privileged to do.